Monday, 14 November 2011


This is most important. This is most important. This is most important. This is most important. This is most important. No matter how many times I tell myself the hours of work and school are for the benefit of my family, I still can't convince myself. I look back and find that they seem to be the only ones suffering... Work gets my attention all day and my thoughts at night. School gets my attention at night and my thoughts during the day. Where do I put what is most important? I believe the greatest lesson the Lord taught me in my youth was that if I love something, I will dedicate my life to it or show it. He loves me and so he spent his entire life showing me. No one will convince me otherwise, Lindsay Dawn Chapman is the strongest member of this pair. That is it. Love you.

Monday, 28 September 2009


Scout Camp....For some reason I couldn't get any priesthood in the ward to give up a night or two to help this year. Whan, right? No, I don't mind giving up 1 of only 2 weeks of vacation a year.......I will look back on this trip and always remember it. I got mad chiggers and perspired myself to sleep at night, but the memories were worth it! I look back at the old troop 10 and think of all the boys that participated and the great times we had. I hope these boys will always remember Bob Harden09'.

Friday, 6 March 2009

Roll out the red carpet...

This is my dear mother. Its not mothers day until May, but I am very proud of her accomplishments in life. She graduated with a degree in Education from Converse College and completed a Masters degree from Columbia College. She also has many talents. She plays the panio and sings very well. She has quite the nack for quilting, sewing, and "crafty" stuff. She works hard at her job and loves educating children. I can't say enough about how much I love my mother. Oh and she looks great! Love ya MOM! Keep up all the great work.


Saturday, 28 February 2009

Los Tigres del Sur

Ok, ok, ok....we ain't the best team in the ACC or the league, but this year....we pretty good! For those of you that are Clemson football fans and Duke or UNC basketball fans, ya'll better recaniiiiiiize!! Behind the big O the tigers have imrpoved every year since his take over. This is big O's second recruiting class and he is proving to be a couch that can hang with the big boyz. We don't have any big leaguers or NBA allstars, but we can come from behind and maintain winning records in THE most talented Conference in the United Social States of America (thats another blog for another day!?) So if you call yourself a Tiger in the fall, then step up and get wild about orange in MARCH!!!! Let's go TIGERS!!!!!!!!!

Monday, 12 January 2009

Merry Xmas and I mean X...

Fun christmas fact, that I am pretty sure is correct! Most people think that X takes the christ out of christmas. Well, I found out on an MSN Encarta Quiz that X is the symbol that represents the word "chi" that represents the word "Christ." In the Hebrew or Greek text they replaced His name with chi and then X later as to keep reverence. I get the details mixed up so challenge me and look it up!!!! After you find that Kell has way too much time on his hands, you won't get sick every time you see Xmas. Anyway, Christmas is over and I've already broke most of my New Years Resolutions...except begining to finish school. Yup, the bilengual-dumb-redneck is back at it to finish his degree. It's funny that most of the time if a student just sticks with their original major, they won't spend 3 years dancing from major to major. Well, business it is! I only have about 3 more years to go. Well, here are some pics of christmas and probably our last Louisville trip to see miss Mia.


Friday, 5 December 2008

The Early Bird get the Worms?

Wow. Maybe that nerd should put down the camera before they lose their life. That is a picture of my "space" at work...nice. Well, it will be easier to blog now since I have access to a computer--that is not from the 1980's. It was difficult to get the old people that I work with to realize that new wasn't bad. Anyway, all is well. Work is slow, but being the new YM Pres in my ward is a bit of a "shalonje"--challenge w/a french accent--. We should be able to handle it though. Merry Christmas! (upside down !)Feliz Navidad!


Wednesday, 16 July 2008

The last member of the "Manson" family (scarey)

No need to write out some super witty blog.....this is what i've been up 2! And no that ain't ash baby...thats all natural WHITENESS! (my legz, slow poke)